Thursday, October 21, 2010

Historic Preservation You Can Count On...

Since completing the Historic Preservation program offered from Peninsula College and the Port Townsend School of Woodworking, Jeremy Fields and Nolle Pritchard have teamed up to preserve the rich legacy of homes and buildings in their region . “We intend to put our certification and experience into practice. As Washingtonians, both born and raised, we see a need to preserve the great history and architecture of the region and enhance home and building efficiency.”
    Jeremy is a 5th generation resident of the Port Townsend area. His background includes degrees in Graphic Design and Fine Art. Since graduating from college he has worked as a finish carpenter and historic window specialist with widely respected Little & Little Construction. He specializes in on-site repair, preservation, and maintenance of historic windows.

  Nolle is an Evergreen State College graduate with a focus in art. Later, as a finish carpenter, he received an Associate's Degree from the prestigious two year cabinet and furniture making program of North Bennet Street School, in Boston Massachusetts. He owns and runs a local shop where cabinets, doors, furniture, and windows are produced. 
    “We have come together to culminate our expertise providing a much needed service to the region in which we have strong roots. We are a business that strives to use local resources and vendors to limit the wasted energy associated with new or replacement windows.”

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